Material damage
Training requirements
To align with modern vehicle repair techniques and the the Collision Repair Program (launched in 2020), all participants are required to meet at least one of the following industry certifications:
OEM Certifications may be considered for specialized repair facilities on an exception basis.
VOC Training
Effective January 1, 2021, all Automotive Refinish Technicians within the Metro Vancouver region must:
successfully complete an environmental training program and certification every two years
ensure that every technician has successfully completed an environmental training program and certification every two years
display the environmental training program certification for the operator and each technician at the automotive refinishing facility so that they are visible to the public or have the certifications available for inspection by an officer
Changes to VOC training are detailed in the bylaw (page 8 section 20).
Program administrative training
The following program administrative training options are also available:
Currently there is no Collision Repair training (formerly Express Repair training) scheduled. We are asking that any new employees review the Collision Repair Program Guide, look for guidance from Estimators within your shop and reach out to your ICBC Account Manager or Representative responsible for your area. If you do not know who your representative is please refer to the Account Services list posted on the MD Business Partners page.
It is recommended that employees utilize the online training and demonstrations offered by MitchellU on the Mitchell miPortalsite.
To complete the online Mitchell system primer, ICBC Collision Shop Training, log in to your miPortal. This primer will provide you with the information you'll need to complete the remainder of your ICBC Collision Shop training.
Note that shops will need the account number sent to them by Mitchell in order to log in. If you need assistance, please call Mitchell at 1-800-448-4401.
After you complete your Mitchell system primer, complete the ICBC Workflow training via miPortal, as well as the Hit & Run Tutorial.
If you have questions about the training requirements, please call Supplier Programs & Administration at 604-777-4513 (lower mainland) or 1-877-921-3311 (toll free) or email [email protected].