Material damage
Towing Business Review
A healthy B.C. towing and storage industry that provides affordable and reliable service is important to ICBC and its customers.
To that end, ICBC engaged a third-party independent consulting firm to conduct a Towing Business Review (TBR) to identify changes that would benefit ICBC, towing and storage suppliers, and our mutual customers.
The TBR was completed by consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and the report is now available.
The review obtained data for its independent analysis from research to assess the financial health and performance of the B.C. towing and storage market, based largely on Statistics Canada’s reporting of Motor Vehicle Towing between 2015 and 2019.
We would like to thank those who took the time to participate in this review by completing the survey. By contributing to the review, you are helping to shape a better understanding of the industry and inform what’s needed going forward.
Although the information obtained didn't provide sufficient financial data, the respondents provided important feedback that informed areas for improvement and operational changes that will benefit the towing industry.
We know that industry sustainability is a concern of the Towing Liaison Committee members and the ARA. We share your concerns and your interest in building a healthy towing and storage industry to service our mutual customers. Moving forward, ICBC is looking to design an Industry Sustainment program to support the Towing and Storage suppliers in addressing some of the industry's key challenges including labour attraction, retention and training.
We would like to also thank the members of the Industry Working Group. The members below worked closely with PwC and ICBC and attended numerous meetings to help shape this review:
Ron Cowie – Mundies Towing
Kit Møller – Clover Towing
Mitchell Martin – Mitchell’s Towing
Cory Rushinko – Bayview Towing
Chris Logan – Roadway Towing
Kyle Schrump – Busters Towing
Stella Tarantino – Unitow
Rob McAdam – Rezilliant Towing & Transport Ltd
Tyson Doucette – Georgia Straight Towing
Nicholas Morretto – Mario’s Towing
Dakota Spiess – Dakota Towing
Gary Niminikin – Smokey Creek Salvage Ltd
Tamara Slater – Peninsula Towing
Ron Rotzetter – On-Call Services
Brian Bettles – Downtown Towing
Suki Manj – Reliable Towing Services
As part of our ongoing efforts, we’ll be providing regular updates to industry on the progress we’re making on our commitments.
Message from Greg Beauregard regarding the TBR working group (April 12, 2021)